Please provide us your details and we will get in touch with you at the earliest. Thanks!

Post Tax Filing Services

Amended Taxes

You should correct your return if, after you have filed it, by amending taxes. The possible errors could be:

  • You did not report some income
  • You claimed deductions or credits you should not have claimed
  • You did not claim deductions or credits you could have claimed or
  • You should have claimed a different filing status. (Once you file a joint return, you cannot choose to file separate returns for that year after the due date of the return. However, an executor may be able to make this change for a deceased spouse.)

We can help you to prepare and file amended taxes. Currently, IRS does not accept amended taxes through efile. Amending taxes need to be filed with explanations for all changes you made from the original filing. Our tax experts have years of experience to explain the changes in preparing amended taxes.

Previous Years Taxes

Forgot to file your prior years taxes by April, did file by Oct and did not file by Dec either, we are here to help.

Take a deep breath. The good thing is you can still e-file your late taxes through efile. However, you may be subject to one or more IRS penalties.

There are two penalty fees that the IRS has in place that you may be subject to:

Failure-to-file: this equals out to be 5% of your unpaid taxes for each month or part of a month that a tax return is past the April 15 deadline. This fee caps off at 25% of your unpaid tax.

Failure-to-pay: this works out to be 0.5% of your unpaid tax per month or part of a month and begins to accrue the day after taxes are due in April. This fee caps also off at 25% of your unpaid tax.

Contact us and we will help you to best possible way for filing taxes as well as for getting waiver for penalties.

Audit Support

Hello, see an IRS letter in mailbox? Please Contact us. Our tax professional are well equipped with tax audit knowledge. Our trained professionals will help you understand your IRS notice and answer all your audit-related questions.

The basic audit consultation is included in our tax fees for our existing clients.

Services we provide for audit support:

  • Understanding your IRS notice
  • Guide you the response for non-critical audits
  • Document preparation for audits
  • Representation to IRS for critical Audits (need Power of Attorney)
Contact Us
(201) 484-7186
(201) 484-7413
(469) 361-7035
(978) 849-2503
(201) 338-6482
Business timings:
Jan 15th - April 17th
9:00 am - 8:00 pm EST
10:00 pm-12:00 am EST
April 18th - Jan 14th
9:00 am -1:00 pm EST